How to use the e-mail of your target audience part2
Written by Ellipsis Technologies on March 15, 2024

In the previous post,
… I wrote an article encouraging many to post their professional email on LinkedIn.
Many of us doubt whether it is good to make our professional email public on LinkedIn. I have also doubted it many times but have always found more benefits than threats. The benefits, as there are several, I will show later. I will start with the “threats” that we all have, the main focus of the psychological effect that surrounds us humans: fear.
Well, fear is natural and sometimes it is good. It makes us cautious. Now, in the matter we are dealing with in this article, it should be minuscule. Why? First, because if we are afraid that we will be bombarded by spam emails, you have to know that all email-sending tools have the option of deleting you from the list (and if they don’t, the tool is not only not worth it but which is bad). Second, because precisely because of the option to delete you from the list, the tool alone should prevent more emails from being sent to you. Third, if it is spam, you can mark it as such and you will make the sender’s reputation drop considerably and the servers will penalize him. You help the rest of the addresses also go directly to spam. However, be good and think twice about the following: what he offers me is good, it may be of interest to me but right now it is not. Well then, don’t mark it as spam. There begins the path to the benefits of making your professional email public.
We live in a privileged era, as new technologies bring us unprecedented efficiency. You should know how to use it as responsibly and optimally as possible to be more productive in your day-to-day. That is why leaving your professional email open on LinkedIn, in our opinion, can bring you more benefits than costs. These are some:
- Knowledge: if the sender of the message is professional and has studied your profile well, they should have been right as to whether it was appropriate to send you the email. If so, it has opened its door to the exchange of knowledge, tools, etc. that may be interesting to you or at least make you think if you need a change. It opens your mind to know what is in the world.
- Business: without sales, there is no company. And if there is no company, you are not there and vice versa. Therefore, sales, business and direct networking opportunities can be of great benefit to you if you open the door of your professional home and analyze what advantages it can bring you both in the present and the future. It may be that this business does not touch now but perhaps it will shortly. Don’t lose track of an opportunity that can benefit both parties.
- Learning: precisely because accepting knowledge and business, it also naturally contributes to creating learning about the responsible use of the one that sends an email of professional interest. Therefore, if you build an intelligent and related network, it will only send you things related to what interests you!
I know you may be thinking that the legislative game comes in here: the official Data Protection law. Yes, we may indeed enter very dangerous terrain but, if the legislation has not changed (unusual in our country) and my memory does not fail me, did you know that if you meet someone (for example, at a fair), Should you send him a consent email before sending him anything even if he has given you verbal permission?
We would also enter into the debate of which data is public and which is not (ie the typical one, even if it is not B2B: calls from a telephone operator of which you were a customer and keeps calling you) When you stop being a customer, shouldn’t I have deleted you from Your list? Or doesn’t it make the process of deleting yourself from the list a real hell?
Are you not tired of being fried to calls to the office? Wouldn’t you be better off receiving an email first with the information?
Well, if it still isn’t convincing, one last suggestion: create a corporate alias email so that everything goes to a folder other than the inbox and you can have even more control over all the external emails you receive. In this way, you can even do a test of the effectiveness of being able to have your corporate contact details more open.
To all this, I would follow the basic rules of email marketing on which you send the email and thus make sure that the message and, above all, the target is objective (worth the redundancy). That is, you have done the proper homework: are you interested in the product and/or service you offer?